What You Need to Know About Gaining Muscle Mass With Protein Powders

· supplements

Are spending hours at the gym, lifting the weights and dumbbells and kettlebells, expecting to see muscle growth after a little while? This is not easy work and may take some time before you see those muscles popping. However, many bodybuilders are helping themselves with protein powders. Not only do muscles require hard work, and a suitable diet rich in proteins, but protein powders are going to help you and catalyze the process for you.

Proteins are essential for muscle growth; they host other bodily functions and will make you feel fuller for a longer time. This way you won't reach for snacks and junk food. Consumption of proteins shouldn't be tough work; if you're having a regular diet that contains meat and dairy products, as well as eggs and fish, you should get them from your food mainly. Things become a bigger challenge for vegans and vegetarians. Here's what you need to know about your protein powder intake.

Do You Need a Protein Powder?

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If you're working out whether it's cardio, weights or endurance training, then yes, you will need more protein than you are consuming through your diet. Powdered proteins offer a fast and easy way to increase your daily intake. You can choose any type such as when protein which is useful after a workout. Casein is a slow-release protein and is great before you go to bed; it drip-feeds our muscles and builds amino acids in your bloodstream during the night (essential to rebuild your muscle tissues).

Do You Follow a Specific Diet?

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If you're a vegan or vegetarian, or your diet doesn't contain dairy protein products, you can easily provide your body with the needed proteins. If you're a vegetarian you can easily use most mass gain protein powder supplements since nowadays they are suitable for this diet as well. However, it's best to read the ingredients list and see if the said product is suitable for your diet. If you're following a certain diet or have allergies to certain foods, make sure the product doesn't contain those products (not even traces).

Plant-based diets do include protein food but in a much lower amount. And if you're a vegan or vegetarian who wants to build muscle mass you should consume 1.4-2 grams of proteins per kilogram of body weight on daily basis. To achieve this amount it's best to include protein powder. Mass gain protein powder is essential not only for bodybuilders but for anyone who works out and wants to keep their muscle mass in shape (which can often happen after drastic weight loss).

What It's in Protein Powders?

It's always a good idea to read the ingredients of your chosen protein powder. In most cases, they contain extra ingredients from the sports nutrition world designed to support or improve performance and recovery. Your protein powder will most likely contain creatine which is an organic compound that powers cells that will improve the effort during a high-intensity workout such as lifting weights. Protein powders also contain L-carnitine, that's often added to 'diet' whey products. It's an amino acid that mobilises fatty acids from fat cells so they can be used to give you energy. There will also be enzymes or probiotics to help your stomach break down specific compounds for better digestion and nutrient absorption.

How to Consume Protein Powders?

These products can easily be mixed with water or other favourite drinks such as milk or coconut water. You can also add protein powder to your smoothie, or use it as an ingredient in your cooking. So, pretty much, there is no rocket science in this. They often have a nice flavour, so they won't 'ruin' the flavour of your food whatsoever.

How Much Protein Should You Take?

Most mass gain protein powder options suggestions are typically around 30 grams. Research suggests that this is the ideal amount of protein you need to repair the damage that occurred to your muscles after a vigorous workout. This amount will help your muscles recover and you won't lose muscle mass. On contrary, the protein powder intake will actually help you build it as well. According to research, a high-protein diet can help you reduce high-fat amounts, so as your muscles grow, the fat layers will melt.

When Should You Take Protein Powder?

Most people take protein powders after a workout session. This is when your muscles need proteins the most. However, some people (and some protein powder products) take protein shakes or water during the workout. More precisely they would drink this mix within 30 minutes of finishing their training session. It will initiate recovery by bombing your bloodstream with amino acids, that are quickly transported into your muscle cells to become new muscle tissue. You can also take protein powder at other times; you can make a protein smoothie and consume it for breakfast or dessert.

What About Weight Gain?

If you're trying to gain weight and improve your muscle mass, then a high-protein diet is what you need. However, to achieve the wanted effect, you might want to include a protein powder supplement that includes a high amount of carbohydrates. These are known as weight gainers and can have several forms of proteins and slow-release carbs that will dramatically increase your calorie consumption and help build more muscular size.