Natural Test Boosters 101


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Being a healthy man means many things such as having strong immunity, having a good heart and organs, and of course having proper levels of testosterone. Even though this subject might be sensitive for most men, the truth is that testosterone levels do drop with time which is normal. If you're considering natural test boosters, it's important to talk to your doctor first and educate yourself on the topic.

What Causes Testosterone to Drop?

Falling testosterone levels aren't an alarming thing; this is a natural thing just like greying hair is. Men in their thirties can expect to experience a 1-2% drop in their testosterone levels every year. When this happens, is it necessary to immediately start using testosterone boosters?

What Is Low Testosterone?

If you're going to do a home test, here are some notes. Your testosterone levels fluctuate through the week (and within a day), so make sure to test yourself at least twice.

<150 NG/DL 0 This is a very low level for an adult man. Make sure to speak to your doctor and get a formal test.150-263 NG/DL - this is considered below optimal, although anything above 215 isn’t unusual if you're over 50.264-916 NG/DL - this is the normal range for men younger than 40. If you’re close to 300 and feel well, you’re no less healthy than a man who’s at 700.

What Are Testosterone Boosters?

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Test boosters refer to a wide range of supplements that increase testosterone levels. Their many options, depending on how severe the drop is. If the testosterone levels need a subtle lift, then herbal blends and supplements can be of great benefit. In case of severe symptoms, there are other ways to consider such as steroid hormones (however they should be prescribed only by your doctor).

Signs You're Losing Testosterone

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Even though it's a common belief that the first sign of testosterone level drops is the struggle to get aroused, gain or maintain an erection, this isn't true. Everyday factors play a part in low libido like stress, depression, alcohol, illness or exhaustion. It's essential to always consult with a doctor before you self-diagnose low testosterone.

Best Testosterone Supplements

If you are getting testosterone supplements, it's a good idea to start with the best options. They are available in supplement stores mainly, but you might also find them at chemists and drug stores.


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Perhaps you didn't think that good old magnesium will find its way to this list of natural test boosters. Just like vitamin D deficiency can affect testosterone levels, magnesium too can lead to this hormone drop. According to a study that was performed on taekwondo athletes and sedentary men, supplementing with magnesium increased testosterone levels in both groups. The increases were of course higher in the athletes, suggesting that magnesium boost testosterone in men with normal levels.

D-Aspartic Acid

This is a natural amino acid involved in the synthesis and release of testosterone. In a study, men with insufficient sperm production took D-Aspartic acid for 90 days and at the end of the trial, their sperm count had more than doubled from 8.2 million sperm per ml to 16.5 million sperm per ml.

Vitamin D

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The lack of vitamin D leads to soft and brittle bones. However, the sunshine vitamin is also linked to low testosterone levels. According to a University of Gratz study, healthy overweight men who take vitamin D supplements for a year, face increasing in their testosterone levels. If you are rarely exposed to the sun or live in a climate with fewer sunny days, it's a good idea to include vitamin D supplements in your diet.

Tribulus Terrestri

Tribulus Terrestri has high performance-enhancing benefits, but this supplement can also have an impact on sexual tension. Most studies were conducted on animals, but the results are promising. Sexually lazy male albino rats were given extracts of Tribulus Terrestri, and their "mount frequency, intromission frequency, and penile erection index" increased.


Dehydroepiandrosterone or DHA is a prescription-only precursor steroid hormone. According to studies, DHEA is an effective testosterone booster. It can elevate testosterone levels in middle-aged men; it's also suitable for men who do HIIT workouts (prevents the testosterone levels to drop).

How to Choose Your Testosterone Booster Supplement

If you're facing testosterone level drops, you might wonder how to choose the right supplements. There are several key factors to consider when buying. First things first you should check the ingredients. Some ingredients have more research than others, so be sure to carefully read what your desired supplement contains.

Next, consider the dose. When choosing your supplements, make sure to read the daily dosage. It should be safe and effective. Finally don't forget the quality. Go for products that are made by trusted manufacturers and that have all certificates and FDA approval. Avoid taking anything that sounds too good to be true or that was made by a suspicious brand (especially if they don't have a tradition in this niche).

What's most important, before taking any of these supplements, make sure to talk to your health care provider. Not only they can help you and tell you what supplements are best for you, but they can also warn you about certain ingredients and how they can harm your health.